- the pvm point system didnt work that well. I mean it works, but the game didnt reconize the currency i used for the shop. I removed the 'pvm points' and npc's are now dropping "ECTO-TOKENS" which u can use in the shop at home. Hope u like it - ::mm drops slightly easier bc there were way to hard to get. - Fixed prices in pvm shop - buffed anarchyblade a bit - super donator and legenday donator rank works now correctly.
dinik: server good? and is it workinng?
Feb 20, 2018 13:55:15 GMT
thejackal: Hey, my janis client is stuck on checking for updates 1%, im on windows 10, what can I do? Id really like to try this server.
Feb 24, 2018 18:51:37 GMT